Thursday, December 3, 2009

nem word

giant- аврага биетэн
lizard- гүрвэл
attack- дайралт довтолгоо, хурц өвдөлт
areature- хүн амьтан
spear- жад өргөс
sword- иллд, сэлэм, шудрага ёс
swoop- гэнэтийн дайралт, барих,
claws- хумс, савар
pile- бөөм, овоолоотой юм
echo- цуурай, дуурайх
enormous- асар том, үлэмж, аврага
jaw- эрүүл, гарц, занга
cave- агуй, хонгил
experiment- туршилт, сорилт
entry- орж ирэх, зөвшөөрөл, орц
periad- үе, цаг хугацаа, эргэлт
lay- тавих, тараах
roar- архирах, хүржигнэх
visible- харагдах, үзэгдэх
stripe- судал, эмжээр, төрөл
harmless- хор хөнөөл
bush- бут сөөг, атар газар
viciousness- бузар булай, хөнөөлтэй
confused- сандарсан, айсан ичсэн
grunting- үглэх, явган цэцэг
valley- тал, хөндий, хоолой, аймшигтай явдал
thick- зузаан, нягт
certain- тодорхой, зайлшгүй
duration- үргэлжлэх хугацаа, цаг хугацаа
destination- зорьсон газар, хүрэх газар
bracelet- бугуйвч
entertain- дайлах
funfair- хөгжөөнт парк
circus- цирк
valuables- үнэ цэнэтэй, чухал
habitat- амьдрах газар, төрлөх нутаг
dust- тоос шороо, мөнгө, тоос татах
starve- өлсгөлөнд нэрвэгдэх, мөрөөдөх
confinent- эх газар, тив
poisonous- хортой хөнөөлтөй, зэвүүцмээр
dive- бутлах, зугтах
weak- сул дорой
Posted by tc.zola at 6:47 PM 0 comments
hiss- исгэрээ, хий гаргах
terror- айдас, аймшиг
grab- шүүрэх, барьж авах, эзлэх
pour- урсах, гоожих
stiff- хуурамч мөнгөн тэмдэгт, тэнүүлч, үхдэл
rough- овон товон газар, амьдралын хүнд үе
steep- эгц, хөлгүй, тойрон
annoyo- саад болох, уурлуулах
miserable- золгүй, ховор, гутарсан
pleased- сэтгэлд нийцэх, баярлуулах
depressed- дарах, дарамтлах, дүгнэх
furious- уурласан
embarrassed- ичиж зовсон, нүүр улайсан
tremble- дагжих, чичрэх, айх
gasp- амьсгаа давхцах
stare- гөлөрсөн харц, нүдэнд өртөх
silver- мөнгө, мөнгөн эдлэл
cliff- хад цохио
crash- аваар сүйрэл
sail- усан онгоцоор явах
bay- булан тохой
bitter- гашуун, зовлонтой, догшин
tear- таллах , урах
soak- нэвт норох, шингээх
bother- яршиг төвөг
flash- гялсхийн жирэлзэн өнгөрөх
shiver- чичрэх, дагжих
fear- айдас, аймшиг
siren- дуут дохио
anxious- сэтгэл зовсон, айсан
Posted by tc.zola at 6:45 PM 0 comments
cable- кабел утас, татлага
certainly - тэгэлгүй яахав, гарцаагүй
hilly- гүвээрхэг, доворхог
extremely- тун туйлын
attractions- татах хүч, сонихрол татах
shook- сэгсрэх
palm- гарын алга
parlour- зочны өрөө, тусгай өрөө
perform- гүйцэтгэх, сурталчилах
dull- тэнэг, ухаан муутай
crash- аваар сүйрэл
wave- долгион давалгаа
soil- хөрс шороо, шавар
straw- дэрс, сүрэл, гуурс, хэрэггүй юм
suntan- наранд борлох, бор хүрэн өнгө
chirping- жиргэх
honk- дуут дохио өгөх
skyscrapers- тэнгэр тулсан барилга
salty- давстай, шорвог
picturesque- үзэсгэлэнтэй, өнгөтэй, тод
disappointed- урамгүй, сэтгэл гонсгор
surrounded- бүслэх, хүрээлэх
marvel- гайхамшиг, хачирхах
scenery- тайзны засал
mist- манан, будан,
mystery- нууц, оньсого
plenty- элбэг дэлбэг байдал
delight- зугаа цэнгэл, гоо үзэсгэлэн
shade- сүүдэр халхавч, нууцхан газар
stream- гол горхи, урсгал, хэсэг
cuckoo- хөхөө
recommend- зөвлөх, зуучлах
Posted by tc.zola at 6:43 PM 0 comments
fabulous- үлгэр домгийн, асар их
sticky- савх савханцар
chased- мөрдөлт, мөшгөлт
tan- наранд шарах, борлох
mangoes- жимсний мод
magnificent- эрхэмсэг, сүр жавхлант
marvellous- гайхалтай, ер бусын
incredible- итгэмээргүй, байж боломгүй
explore- газар хэрэн судлах, шинжлэх
cave- агуй, хонгил, оромж
snail- эмгэн хумс, чимээгүй явагч
lousy - балиар, өөдгүй
filthy- заваан, хиртэй
quiet- амар тайван
miserable- золгүй, өрөвдмөөр
depressed- гунигтай, дарлагдсан
frightened- айсан цочсон
cheerful- сайхан ааштай
excited- баярласан, хөөрсөн
joyful- аз жаргалтай
moody- ааш муутай
delighted- сэтгэл хангалуун
definite- илэрхий ойлгомжтой
visible- харагдах үзэгдэх
result- үр дүн
Posted by tc.zola at 6:41 PM 0 comments
decisive- шийдвэрлэх, бүрэн дүүрэн, эцсийн
immature- болоогүй, боловсроогүй
energetic- эрчимтэй, идэвхтэй
self-centred- хувиа бодсон
determined- хатуу шийдсэн, шийдэмгий
reserved- захиалах, нөөцлөх
sensitive- мэдрэмтгий, зөөлөн сэтгэлтэй
fortune- аз, олз, аз завшаан
teller- өгүүлэгч, мөнгөний нярав
horoscope- зурхай, оддын зурхай
gain - орлого, олз, ашиг
decision- шийдвэр, тогтоол
tend- хандах, чиглэх, асрах
participate- оролцох, хуваах
seem- шиг санагдах, төсөөлөх
attetion- анхаарал
upset- уурлах
self-confident- бардам, өөртөө итгэлтэй
stubborn- зөрүүд, шаргуу
cooprative- хамтын ажиллагаа
selfish- хувиа бодсон
active- идэвхтэй
arrogant- биеэ тоосон
casually- тохиолдлын, санаандгүй
formally- албаны үүднээс, ёс журмын дагуу
neatly- цэвэр цэмцгэр
hooked- тахийлгах, махийлгах
temparary- түр зуурын
arrangement- эмхлэх, цэгцлэх
schedulet- төлөвлөсөн
Posted by tc.zola at 6:36 PM 0 comments
mermaid- лусын дагина
slender- харийнхан, гуалиг, ховор
blond- шаргал үстэй
stunning feature- онцгой царайтай
casual- тохиолдолын, санаандгүй
complicated- ярвигтай, хэцүү
actually- үнэндээ, үнэн хэрэгтээ
crowd- цугларсан, бөөгнөрсөн хүмүүс
overcome- ялах, дийлэх, ядраах
expect- хүлээх, найдах, горьдох
extremely- тун туйлын
pottery- цагийг дэмий үрэх
reveal- илрүүлэлт, нээх, илчлэх
creative- бүтээлч
beliefs- сүсэг бишрэл, итгэл
currently- урсгал, үйл явдлын өрнөл
underneath- доод хэсэг, доод тал
pleasure- баяр баясгалан, хүсэл
remain- үлдэх, хоцрох
sincere- чин сэтгэлийн, шудрага
fame- нэр алдар, нэр хүнд
harm- хор хөнөөл, гай
skiers- цаначин
abroad- хилийн чанад
humour- хошин шог, шогч зан
glamour- сэтгэл татах увидас, сэтгэл булаах
glitter- гэрэл цацрах
value- үнэ өртөг, ач холбогдол

problem in mongolia

We have spent thousands of years fighting for our survival. Yet now we have discovered that our planet is under threat and, to make matters worse, it’s all our fault.
The rainforest are dying, rare plant and animal species are disappearing, rivers and seas are being contaminated, crops are failing to grow, people are dying of hunger and the air is being polluted. It’s time we woke up to these problems and started repairing the damage.
Another big problem are exterminating hawks. Hawks are exterminating in Mongolia last years. Because peoples sell hawks which unlawful cross the frontier them. If we obverse the law and they prohibition animals. We can keep balance of our nature.
One of the major problem is the destruction of the rainforest in South America. They are home to half the world’s species and to millions of people. More over, the rainforest clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. The trees are being cut down for paper or to make room for cattle farms. As a result, birds and animals lose their homes and die. This destruction is also bringing about changes in the climate, air pollution, flooding, drought and famine. If we continue to burn and cut down the rainforest as we are doing now, the earth will never be the same again.
Also another big problem is water pollution. Do you like swimming in the sea or drinking a cool glass of water on a hot day? These simple pleasures may soon become a thing of the past. Factories are polluting our rivers and lakes with dangerous chemicals. Oil tankers are releasing thick, black oil into our oceans. Tons and tons of industrial and domestic waste are poured into our seas. Consequently, sea life is threatened with extinction.
Air pollution is another important issue. The cars and factories in and around our cities are giving off dangerous fumes. In the past few years, more and more people than ever before have developed allergies and breathing problems. If we don’t do something now, our cities will become impossible to live in.
Fortunately, it is not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to prepare the way for a better, cleaner and safer future. We can plant trees and adopt animals. We can create parks for endangered species. We can put pressure on those in power to take action. Together we can save our planet. All we need to do is open our eyes and act immediately.

future in mongolia

Future of Mongolia

Can you imagine what our life will be like in the future? Maybe you won’t be traveling countryside like now instead of this you will be traveling on the other planet or moon with your family. We recently carried out a survey of 1500 people from Mongolia. People have different thinks. But the result of this in the future many thing will be changed.

In the future life will be very easy .People won’t have any problems because technology and science will decide their problem. All people will use computer and technology. Computer and technology have will have become absolutely essential in the future. Children will can use computer very little. They won’t only play computer game but they will can do our can’t right now.

Clothes will have changed a lot too. In my opinion we won’t wear like now cloth but we will have wear don’t burn and break. And if our clothes will have break we will buy new one. We won’t sew it like now. Fashion won’t have very important.

In this survey house job will be changed. Most people believe that in the future won’t do the house work and we will have to click one button there will have be ready food and robots will do our house work. In my opinion environment will changed for example green belt. In the future trees and plants won’t have to smell. Now foreign country-s green belt don’t have smell therefore in the future Mongolian green belt won’t have to smell. It’s very regrettable.

Who know computer and technology very well will have to useful. In our holiday we will travel other planet. We will enter in to relation with family by computer from other planet. And computer will be very little. We won’t use password instead of this we will use our fingerprint. Cars will flying on the air. There will be many air story ways.

Of course air pollution will clear and now Mongolian big problem is garbage. In the future there won’t be garbage. Maybe we will transport our earth’s garbage to other planet therefore our planet will be very clean.

Poverty is something that seems to worry many people. But in the future it’ll be not many therefore our country will develop very well. It’s really important thing because now our biggest aim is reduce the poverty.

I think that in the future music will changed because we will have to listen to electronic music but it won’t interesting like nowadays live music. Because now there are many singers and bands in the world but in the future there won’t be many singers and band like now we will just have to electronic music.

Many people seem to be quite optimistic about the Mongolian future because in the future our country will develop by good things.

In the end we are one country’s population therefore everybody lets devote our Mongolia. And lets develop our country in number one of the world.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

tyre- дугуй хаймар
skid- машин шарвах
botton- ёроол, эцэс
bleed- цус алдах
painful- өвчтэй, зовлонтой
crawl- мөлхөх, царайчрах
agony- зовлон, шаналгаа, ать тэмцэх
eventuolly- эцэст нь, эцсийн дүнд
board- банд, хатгай мод
destination- зорьсон газар
engine- хөдөлгүүр
rush- садрах, олгойдох
lift- өргөх, авах, тавих
escape- цугтаах
shake- чичрэх
tragically- элгэмсэг
tide- татлага, түрлэг
realise- ойлгох, ухамсарлах, биелүүлэх

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dear teacher

My name is Munxdelger. I’m twenty-one years old. I live in ub, Mongolia with my family. There are six of us, my parents, my grandmother, my sister and my younger brother and me. My dad name is Dembereljaw. He is forty-six years old. He is businessman. My mum name is Narantsetseg. She is forty-one years old. My mum is works hospital. She is a doctor. My sister name is Oyundelger. She is twenty-six years old. She isn’t married. My younger brother name is Nyamdelger. He is study high school.

I’m tall and slim. I have got brown eyes, thick lips and quite nose, small brown hair and thick eyebrow. I wear jeans, T-shirt, skirt and suit. I like eat soup. I like play football and basketball with my friends at the weekend. I also enjoy listen to music. I enjoy listen to rock.

Best wishes;
